Saturday, March 24, 2007

What You Need to Know About Diamond Grading

Diamond Grading is important if you're in the market to purchase loose diamonds. When shopping around make sure the diamond comes with a grading report from an accredited grading lab.

The two most widely recognized diamond grading labs in the world are the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and American Gem Society (AGS). These two labs are reputable for being fair about their diamond grading. Because they don't sell diamonds they do not gain anything from the grade that they give a particular diamond.

There are many other grading labs in the world that want to give your diamond a grade report. Be skeptical of smaller, not-so-well known labs. There are certain labs that may have an interest in the grade of your diamond; many of them have been known to be more lenient when it comes to diamonds from certain sellers.

In your diamond grading report you'll find individualized information about your diamond. The report will tell you the measurements, cut, weight, color and quality of your loose diamond. Everything in the report is for your diamond only; it's often referred to as the diamonds finger print.

Many people are confused as to why there is nothing about the gem's monetary value in the report. This is because the grading certificate is not for the purpose of placing a dollar amount on your diamond. Instead it tells you all about the diamond. If you take this report to different gemologists, each one may have a slight difference in price.

Though it doesn't tell you exactly what the diamond is worth it's important to get a diamond grading report. This will determine which diamond is of better value for you. Place the diamond grading report somewhere safe in case you have to have your jewel taken into the shop or in case it's stolen. This report will ensure that you get your original diamond back from the shop or if it's recovered it will prove that it is in fact yours.

Diamond grading is just one of the many helpful tips that Shayna has to offer those in the diamond market. If you'd like to learn more important information about diamond grading visit her at

Or visit the diamond guide

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